UWG Music Faculty Concert in support of the Annual Fund
Performance | by UWGMusic over 11 years ago

Musical talent abounded at the Faculty Concert in Support of the Annual Fund on Monday, October 12, 2009. in the Townsend Center for the Performing Arts. Music faculty performed in recognition of patrons who support the university through their contributions to the Department of Music or to the Annual Fund. This years concert introduced new faculty members Cale Self on the euphonium and Dani Jones as a soprano. Other performers familiar to the audience included Larry Frazier, John and Linda Li-Bleuel, Melanie Fuller, Carol Gingerich, Elizabeth Kramer, Mike Lanier, Dawn McCord, Peter Mueller and Terry Lowry. The concert concluded with two exciting jazz pieces performed by a trio led by Dan Bakos.
uploaded by UWGMusic on june 13, 2013 at 06:18 pm
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