What's better than having one organ in a church? The answer is having two organs. I had a wonderful opportunity to play with some very talented musicians at Berean Baptist church on Sunday, July 1, 2017 for our patriotic service. Below is the information for the offertory. Location Berean Baptist Church Lilburn, GA Instruments Organ 1: Timothy Jones Rodgers Artist Series # 529 Organ 2: Dana King Roland Atelier Piano: Elizabeth Clute Timpanies: Brad King Music: All pieces copyright © 1988-1997 Celebration Hymnal America the Beautiful - # 799 Text: Catharine Lee Bates Music: Samuel A. Ward Heal Our Land - # 800 Text and music: Tom and Robin Brooks The Battle Hymn of the Republic - # 804 Text: Julia Ward Howe Music: traditional American Melody with last stanza by Gary Rhodes
uploaded by Byfaithnotbysight on june 02, 2021 at 11:42 pm
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by Byfaithnotbysight almost 4 years ago