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The Lord's my Shepherd (Brother James Air)

Portfolio | by Byfaithnotbysight about 3 years ago


Played at Berean Baptist Church in Lilburn, GA Arranged for organ by Dale Wood Background pictures provided by Christine Jones, Audio/visual manager Hymn Information Provided by FBC Radio PLEASE NOTE: Not all verses may be sung and words may vary in the particular hymn presentation. The Lord’s My Shepherd Words: Scottish Psalter Music: Brother James’ Air | James Leith Macbeth Bain 1. The Lord’s my Shepherd, I’ll not want. He makes me down to lie In pastures green; He leadeth me The quiet waters by. He leadeth me, He leadeth me The quiet waters by. 2. My soul He doth restore again; And me to walk doth make Within the house of blessedness E’en for His own Name’s sake. Within the house of blessedness E’en for His own Name’s sake. 3. Yea, though I pass through shadowed vale, Yet will I fear no ill; For Thou art with me; and Thy rod And staff me comfort still. Thy rod and staff me comfort still, Me comfort still. 4. My table Thou hast furnished In presence of my foes; My head with oil Thou dost anoint, And my cup overflows. My head with oil Thou dost anoint, And my cup overflows. 5. Goodness and mercy all my days Will surely follow me; And in my Father’s heart always My dwelling place shall be. And in my heart for evermore Thy dwelling place shall be.

uploaded by Byfaithnotbysight on january 18, 2022 at 09:17 pm

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