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Lo How a Rose E'er Blooming

Portfolio | by Byfaithnotbysight about 3 years ago


Played at Berean Baptist Church in Lilburn, GA Arranged for Organ by Diane Bish Background pictures provided by Christine Jones, Audio/visual manager One of the most beloved, and yet forgotten Christmas carols, this piece captures the meaning of the life of our Savior here on earth, and what is to follow for the believer after death. Hymn Information Provided by FBC Radio PLEASE NOTE: Not all verses may be sung and words may vary in the particular hymn presentation. Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming Words: 16th Century German Carol Music: Es Ist Ein’ Ros’ Entsprungen | Alte Catholische Geistliche Kirchengesäng, 1599; harmony by Michael Praetorius 1. Lo, how a Rose e’er blooming from tender stem hath sprung! Of Jesse’s lineage coming, as men of old have sung. It came, a floweret bright, amid the cold of winter, When half spent was the night. 2. Isaiah ’twas foretold it, the Rose I have in mind; With Mary we behold it, the virgin mother kind. To show God’s love aright, she bore to men a Savior, When half spent was the night. 3. The shepherds heard the story proclaimed by angels bright, How Christ, the Lord of glory was born on earth this night. To Bethlehem they sped and in the manger found Him, As angel heralds said. 4. This Flower, whose fragrance tender with sweetness fills the air, Dispels with glorious splendor the darkness everywhere; True Man, yet very God, from sin and death He saves us, And lightens every load. 5. O Savior, Child of Mary, who felt our human woe, O Savior, King of glory, who dost our weakness know; Bring us at length we pray, to the bright courts of Heaven, And to the endless day!

uploaded by Byfaithnotbysight on january 18, 2022 at 09:40 pm

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