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Goodbye Butterfly

Performance | by RadaHanana 8 months ago


In the memory of our Nadia. 21 years ago, a couple of weeks after Nadia left us, I saw her as a butterfly in a dream. She came to say goodbye. I told me uncle (her father) about it and he asked me to draw it, but I couldn't for the life of me draw something that beautiful. 20 years later in 2023 a butterfly came and lived for 3 weeks in my Livingroom. Inspired by it I took it upon my self to draw the dream with music. I finally succeeded. for the full text visit my website Photo credit: Julia Laukert Sound editing: Rada Hanana Cover design: Kinan Shorbaji

uploaded by RadaHanana on january 24, 2024 at 01:28 am

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